Commission Sheet
Types of Commissions with Prices
a fine young gentleswan
swan with a human face
$40 for a unique swan with a human face
feel free to specify a hat or send a picture of a human face!
a lovely pre-existing swan
preexisting swan
$25 for an image of a pre-existing swan with human face design for use as a tattoo
ask me for a catalogue of options!
a unique man, a fateful future
unique design
$30 for the first hour of work + $20 for each additional hour on any other original design
the above design cost $80 (for 4 hours of work)
Email or DM me with what type of commission you would like, any references you have (hats? human face?), your Paypal email, and any other specifics in regards to design. Please be aware that it may take me a couple days to respond.
If the commission cost will be more than $40, I will ask for an initial payment.
Expect a low-quality image of the commission in 1-3 weeks from when I accept your commission. If you want any minor changes, an additional $5-10 will be charged.
For all original pieces of art, you can ask for the piece to be printed and shipped to you for an additional $8 domestically and $20 internationally.
Once you have accepted the commission, I will send an invoice through Paypal to be paid within a week. I can also accept payment over Venmo if necessary.
When I receive your payment, you will receive a full quality png or scan of your piece! :-D
Misc Legal Agreements
Unless otherwise discussed and explicitly agreed upon, the artist retains copyright on all art provided to you. You may use the art freely in social media with credit explicitly given to the artist, and you may display it within private spaces. You may not present the artwork as your own.
The artist retains the right to film her process and display the finished art on her own social media and website. If this is a present for someone else or you are otherwise opposed to this idea, please ask for an exception beforehand.
The artists retains the right to reject the commission at any point in the process before she receives payment.